Private Domain Registration Is It Worth It – Your Questions…


Sandy asks…

Domain Name Registration?

Hey Everyone. I know there is no right or wrong answer here, i’m just looking for opinions.

I’m looking for a domain name thats good, but cheap. I am looking between godaddy, and

I want a private registration, but godaddy adds $7 to your $10 registration per year.

I was checking out, and theres is like $10, with the WHOIS protection included.

Is it worth doing godaddy for an extra $7? Or is their any other websites you guys and galz might suggest?

admin answers:

I have never used, but I have used GoDaddy. It has a good interface for end users, and while I’ve stuck with them for most of my domain and hosting needs, I’ve actually began using for the same reason [regarding privacy costs being included]. Their admin isn’t as slick, but it is cheaper and definitely gets the job done.

I’m not recommending, but using them as an example that you should just go with whoever you want as long as they are reputable and have been around a while. If you have no specific preference or reason to use GoDaddy, go with hostway and save some coin!

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