Gets New Website – Offers Free Domain Renewals

No, we haven’t moved servers. We’ve been very busy with a facelift for the whole web site. There was a lot of ‘clutter’ with the old site so the aim is to offer our visitors a better look and easier navigation. Registering domain names and finding the domain name information you’re looking for is going to be much quicker – at least that’s the aim.

However, with a change as important as this there’s bound to be a few glitches. And this is where you can win some free renewals for your domain names.

All you need to do is visit and surf the pages until you come to one which looks wrong. Then tell me the exact page name (url) and briefly describe what you saw wrong. Also mention the name of the domain you want renewed for free.

Then we’ll check the page you mention and if you are right (we don’t want to award free domains to jokers) you will win a free renewal for your domain name for a whole year.

The only rules are that you’ll need to have at least one domain registered at, or transferred to It can be any valid (not expired) .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO, .BIZ or .US domain name.