Ssl Certificates Explained – Your Questions…


Joseph asks…

what is ssl certificate?


admin answers:

It is an ‘Official verification’ given to a website, by a recognized authority, that is used to establish (between your browser & that website) an encrypted form of data transfer.
It basically says this site is who they say they are, and have undergone several verification steps to prove it.

SSL is the earlier form of security over TCP/IP and has been replaced by TLS.

Protocol for establishing a secure connection starts with the ‘hello’ or ‘handshake’ procedures:
1) client (your computer) seeks a secure connection over socket 443)
2) client sends a ‘greetings’ packet with several items: incl. What protocol it has available (SSL 2, SSL3, TLS, etc.); time, session number, list of it’s encryption capabilities, and so on
3) the sought server looks at it’s own protocol levels & selects/matches the best possible protocol for the connection
4) the server returns a message saying ‘OK, here’s the method (or protocol) we’ll use, and here’s my certificate (optional), and we’ll call it so-and-so session…etc.; and a ‘finished hello’ message
5) Client sends to server an “agreed” message, and ‘finished hello’ message.

(this all happens before any application data is sent; it’s just groundwork to establish authenticity of endpoints, and method of encryption)

Overview of the evolution of various security protocols is here (this is a moderately ‘dense’ (facts per minute) material).
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Ssl Certificates – Your Questions…

confidential site

David asks…

Can anyone explain SSL certificates to me?

Hi, i recently took a hosting account which allows me to create re-sellers. I noticed that I can create SSL certificates, but also noticed that these can be costly if you want to buy one, however i can just create them in my hosting panel. So i need to know firstly, is this what it appears to be, an actual ssl cert, and also how do i imlement such a certificate? Any other knowledge of them would be handy!
You may see this question twice because YA tends to post my Q’s twice, apologies!

admin answers:

SSL certificate means Secure Sockets Layer certificate. It is used to make secure communication between the web server on which your site is hosted and the visitor’s browser. Both the things will transfer the data in encrypted format so that hackers will not steal the data.

After installing the SSL certificate, your site will work on https protocol. That means https://…….. Basically it use http://……….. While accessing your site. It mostly use full if you host any confidential site or any payment gateway site.

Just check the link of login page of yahoo, they also use https.

For more information, send me an email.

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