Domain Name Search Available – Your Questions…


Ruth asks…

Domain name available yesterday but today its taken ? How do I get it back!?

Hi, I checked a domain name yesterday, and it was available. But today it has been taken by another company. And this company specializes in acquiring domain names. Its not really using it for any website ? Maybe its because yesterday I searched for the domain name too many times. Now its automatically taken by this company ( Is there away to get it back ?

admin answers:

plenty of info above

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Domain Whois Tool – Your Questions…

certain domain registrant

Donald asks…

How to Find All the domains from a certain domain registrant?

I need to find all the domain owned by a certain registrant. I tried using reverse ip but that only gives a list of domain hosted on that ip. Is there any tool out there that searchs the Whois DB based upon the registrant name?

admin answers:

Hello, perhaps you can find some info here:

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