Domain Name Ownership Disputes – Your Questions

John asks…

Domain Name Registration and Credibility?

Suppose if some ‘John Grisham’ registers a domain, but gives details of his identity as ‘John Bosham’. What are the legal implications? Can John Grisham claim it’s his domain in case of a dispute? In which way can he?

Because as far as I see domain registrars do not ask for any identity documents. If payment too is made with a fake paypal account, how can his domain ownership be determined?

Thank you.

admin answers:

Some domain sellers, like, offer free change of registration. This means you can assign your domain name to another registrant, right online. You can change all four contact fields for the domain whenever you want.

In your case, ‘John Crisham’ can simply change the registrant to his own name. If the current domain seller does not offer this option, ‘John Crisham’ can simply transfer the domain to a seller like and then change the registrant.

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